Methylene blue for fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome: a randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial

Created by Mark Kemp, Modified on Sun, 22 Oct 2023 at 02:51 PM by Mark Kemp

Fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome are both conditions that can greatly impact a person's quality of life. They can cause significant pain and discomfort and, in many cases, are resistant to traditional treatments. Therefore, research into new and innovative treatments is of paramount significance. One such study, published in the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology in 2018, investigated the use of methylene blue for the treatment of these conditions.

The study, titled 'Methylene blue for fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome: a randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial', was conducted by a team of researchers including G. Cavalcante Silva, A. R. Silva, A. W. Rocha, A. L. Teixeira, L. V. Lanchote, J. B. Calixto, R. M. Cássia, R. A. Santos, A. R. Santos, and M. Campos. The research was performed over a period of four weeks, during which patients were administered low doses of methylene blue.

The results of the study were promising. The researchers found that patients who were administered methylene blue showed a reduction in their fibromyalgia symptoms. This suggests that methylene blue could potentially be a useful treatment for fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome. However, as with all clinical trials, further research is needed to fully understand the implications of these findings and to determine the safety and efficacy of methylene blue as a long-term treatment option.

The DOI for this study is 10.1007/s00228-018-2436-7. This can be used to find the complete article for a more in-depth understanding of the study.

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