Affiliate Disclosure Policy

Created by Mark Kemp, Modified on Thu, 21 Dec 2023 at 12:48 PM by Mark Kemp

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We are committed to transparency and honesty in all our dealings, especially regarding the products we discuss and recommend on our website.

We want to clarify that 'Blu Brain', a 1% methylene blue product, is our proprietary product. Any links to our website leading to our 'Blu Brain' shop and products are not affiliate links; they direct you to our product, which we proudly offer to our customers.

In addition to our own products, we occasionally mention and link to other health supplements and products available through Amazon via our blog. These external links are part of the Amazon Affiliate programme. This means we may earn a commission for any purchases made through these links. This commission comes at no additional cost to you.

Our goal is to provide valuable content that educates and informs you. When we link to products or services, including those in our affiliate programme, we do so because we believe they add value to our readers. However, please note that we have not received any free products, services, or anything else from these companies in exchange for mentioning them on our site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions.

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