Shipping Rates and Delivery Timelines

Created by Mark Kemp, Modified on Wed, 27 Mar 2024 at 12:59 PM by Mark Kemp

At Blu Brain, we strive to provide our customers with the best possible shipping experience.

This support article will outline the current shipping rates and estimated delivery times for all our destinations. Please note that these rates and timelines are subject to change without notice.

Approximate Shipping Rates

DestinationShipping Cost (GBP)Shipping Cost (EUR)Shipping Cost (USD)Shipping Cost (CAD)Shipping Cost (AUD)
UK (non-NI)£3.95



United States£25.69





Northern Ireland£6.00

Delivery Timelines

We aim to post your Blu Brain within 1 working day. The estimated delivery times are as follows:

Estimated Delivery Time
UK, Northern Ireland, and Ireland
2-4 days
EU, US, Australia, and Canada
4-10 days

Please note that these delivery timelines may vary depending on the shipping company. We will always do our best to ensure your order reaches you quickly.

If you have any questions or concerns about shipping rates or delivery timelines, please contact our customer support team. We're here to help!

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